Love, Life, Cooking, Crafts, and Everything in Between :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

DIY Bubble Necklace

I am a visual crafter. I see things and I replicate my version of them. Sometimes the version is near spot on and sometimes I put my twist on it. Well....I have been ogling over the JCrew bubble necklaces ($150) for months now. I considered buying a "JCrew *style*" bubble necklace off Ebay for a fraction of the price. In the end I decided it might be fun to replicate the necklace myself.$pdp_fs418$
JCrew Stock Photo

I have never really tried my hand at making jewelry (aside from camp-aged friendship bracelets!). This was a new excursion for me. What was step 1? I headed to Michael's. I perused the isles and picked up one supply I thought I might need after the next. I bought silver chain, silver jump rings, Silver "specialty findings," small black round beads, silver head pins, super glue, closures, pliers, and wire cutters. I also needed to find bigger round beads with flat bottoms. Well...Michael's didn't have any. I had to settle for...wait for it...flat bottomed marbles! (This last minute find was also how I got *stuck* with making the necklace black...which I am perfectly okay with!).

I didn't really take step by step pictures, nor am I going to go crazy with detailed instructions. I have faith in you. With the pictures I have provided you should be able to figure it out. It's not too difficult and really not all that time consuming. In fact, if I can find flat bottomed beads of other colors I would love to make more of these necklaces! :)

Here are the pics (please forgive the puppy fur and that I did not take the time to properly straighten the necklace in any of the pictures!):

What do you think? Are you going to try and make one? :)

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